Sandra Bullock and George Clooney engaging in a banter, floating above the earth. Houston warns of an impending danger and before the astronauts could rush into the safety of the shuttle, it hits them and hits hard. She gets detached from safety line and goes into a float spin.
It also strikes me suddenly. I have left the keys in the car itself and have locked myself and my wife out. My mind races for a decision, continue watching the movie or rush out to the basement car park, rush back home to fetch the second key, call a cab, ........
The space debri hurtle towards my face (3D movie) making the decision for me. Having watched Sandra Bullock right from Speed, The Net, Miss Congeniality, The Proposal, Blind Side and so on, I can't leave the movie.

It was an unforgettable experience, watching that wonderfully made movie with a name reflecting my situation on a more mundane earth.