Thursday, August 10, 2017

Dr. Jayantilal Jain's Guest Lecture 

At University of  Madras, Department of  Jainology -  Aug.2017


Kram Baddha Paryay

The principle of  Krama Baddha Paryay  means that the behavior pattern  of the ever changing universe is bound by some order. Whatever modifications in the substances are visible in this world  are happening in a definite orderly manner as if planned. Looking at things from outward conventional aspect, the behaviour pattern of substance appears to be disorderly, but considered deeply, one can discern a well planned orderliness.

The study of Krama Baddha Paryaya (sequence bound modifications) is very important as an understanding is needed about events happening.  Who is doing them, who is responsible.  All philosophies, except Jainism and Buddhism believe in an omnipotent God who is orchestrating these events. The principle of Creator, Regulator and Destroyer.   Jainism does not believe this.  Can somebody design my destiny?  I should be able to decide my destiny.  The resolution of these questions is essential for establishing the true religion.

It appears as though the determinant is our Karma.  It creates health,wealth etc., it maintains and it destroys.  But we are conscious of ourselves and our actions lead to karma, such as dravya karma, bhav karma.  Also there is body making nokarma.  The nigod jivas exist in nitya nigod as gold exists in its ore from beginning less time.  It exists even in Siddhasila without awareness.  To a question how the nigod jiva came to be born in Siddhasila, the answer is puerile obsession with Moksha without any true understanding or following the ways to attain it.  What is the point in people who are obsessed with climbing the Sikarji 99 times without Samyaktva.  A dog  living in the hills of Sammetsikarji also climbs up and down many times.    At best, Karmas are indicators of our actions in the past.  Karma has no place when knowing yourself as soul.  Soul is not made of karma. Soul is Jnan and Darshan.

Whenever any event happens - there are always five essentials (Samvay) operating simultaneously.
1. Nature  of the substance (Swabhav)
2. Future inevitability – Destiny  (Bhavitavya)
3. Fruition of time ( Kaal Labdhi)
4. Self effort (Purushartha)
5. Instrumental causes (Nimitta)

For the event of Moksha, out of the five, three are not in our hands; viz. time, instrumental causes and destiny.  But nature of the pure soul (Swabhav) and self effort (Purushartha) to remain in that nature of the pure self are in our hands.  For evolution into a liberated soul; ripe time is till exhaustion of karmas, destiny is as perceived by Kevaljnani Bagawan, karmic activity is the nimitta.  Hence, to know the soul and being in its true nature is in our hands and rest of other Samvayas will fall into place.

As our experiences increase the knowledge
horizon also increases.  With decreasing ajnan,
jnan increases.  The point of infinite knowledge
is Kevaljnana

NB:  This post is as per my understanding of his lecture and is not verbatim.   Any error either in content or presentation is my inadequacy.  

Sunday, November 8, 2015



Bagawan Mahavir, we know his lifestory, birth, diksha, austerities and penances, meditation, omnsicience and liberation.  We celebrate His life as Deepavali, festival of lights for He is our Fordmaker.  

He had asked us to realise His nature in ourselves.  

Happy Deepavali

Best Wishes for a Happy & Prosperous
Vir Nirvan 2542 (2015-16 CE).

Wednesday, February 25, 2015



Acharya Kund Kunda (1st AD)

  • Know ye that the pure Self is without taste, colour, without smell, imperceptible to touch, without any definite bodily shape, and is characterised by chetana (consciousness).  .. (49)
  • In the (pure) soul there is no colour, no smell, no taste, no touch, no visible form, no body, no bodily shape, and  no skeletal structure.  .. (50)
  • In the (pure) soul there is no varga (atomic potency), no vargana (molecules or group of atoms), no spardhaka (aggregates of molecules). There is no ego-consciousness of different types and no (karmic) manifestations (resulting in pleasure-pain experience). .. (52)
  • In the (pure) soul there is no activity of yoga (through manas, vachana, kaya), no (karmic bondage) no effective manifestation of karma, and no variations according to method of inquiry into the nature of the soul (based upon the principle of classification).  .. (53)
  • In the (pure) soul there is no stage of the duration of bondage, or of emotional excitement or of self-purification or of the acquisition of self-control.  .. (54)
  • A shackle made of gold is as good as one made of iron for the purpose of chaining a man. Similarly karma whether good or bad equally binds the jiva.  (146)
  • Those who are outside the presence of paramartha or Supreme Self even though observe vows, restraints, and rules of conduct and practice austerities are devoid of right knowledge. .. (153)
  • Absolutely pure, having the nature of perception and knowledge, always non-corporeal, I am indeed unique. Hence not even an atom of alien things whatsoever (whether living or non-living) is related to me as mine.  ..(38)

    Adhi Sankara (8th AD)

      I am not the mind, the intellect, the ego or the memory,
      I am not the ears, the skin, the nose or the eyes,
      I am not space, not earth, not fire, water or wind,
      I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
      I am the eternal Shiva…

        I am not the breath, nor the five elements,
        I am not matter, nor the 5 sheaths of consciousness
        Nor am I the speech, the hands, or the feet,
        I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
      I am the eternal Shiva…

        There is no like or dislike in me, no greed or delusion,
        I know not pride or jealousy,
        I have no duty, no desire for wealth, lust or liberation,
        I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
      I am the eternal Shiva…

        No virtue or vice, no pleasure or pain,
        I need no mantras, no pilgrimage, no scriptures or rituals,
        I am not the experienced, nor the experience itself,
        I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
      I am the eternal Shiva…

        I have no fear of death, no caste or creed,
        I have no father, no mother, for I was never born,
        I am not a relative, nor a friend, nor a teacher nor a student,
        I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
      I am the eternal Shiva…

        I am devoid of duality, my form is formlessness,
        I exist everywhere, pervading all senses,
        I am neither attached, neither free nor captive,
        I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
      I am the eternal Shiva…

(Samayasaram, A Jaina work by Acharya Kunda Kunda and Nirvana Sathakam by Adi Sankara showed me the confluence of ancient Indian ways of looking inward. )

English Translation source: Samayasaram –Prof. A. Chakravarthy Nainar / Nirvana Sathakam - Isha Yoga.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Corporate Social Responsibility

Delhi High Court today ruled in favour of CAG audit of pvt telecom companies having revenue sharing agreement with Govt of India. In the course of the verdit the Hon. Judges have pronounced words of wisdom on Corporate Social Responsibility albeit indirectly.

Times of India (Jan.7, 2014) reported this news:

ToI also published an article titled "CSR: Startups see Opportunity" (Jan 7, 2014)

It appears the Corporate Sector and NGOs are conveniently forgetting the "ethics" part of CSR. The concept of CSR originated in early twentieth century in USA, at a period when the large Corporate entities were viewed as "too big, too powerful and anti-social, and they were engaged in anti competitive practices. Efforts were made to curb corporate power through antitrust laws and other regulations - (Business & Society - William C. Frederic and others - McGraw-Hill International)".

In as much as this aspect of regulations, Delhi High Court has reiterated CSR of the Corporate Sector by stating that "circumvention and perversity produce an intensification of the command and this means that one is back to square one".

CSR combines the principles of Stewardship and Charity.

Well before 1912, Jamsetji  Tata, the Founder of the Tata Group said, " We do not claim to  be more unselfish, more philanthropic than other people. But we believe in  sound  and  generous  business principles and regard the health and the welfare of our employees a sure foundation of our prosperity". Tata steel implemented labour welfare measures which paved way of many of Govt. of India's labour welfare measures.  This is Stewardship principle. Employee Welfare, education and health are part of CSR and should form part of CSR activities.  Honouring Stakeholder Interests is integral part of CSR, viz.  

Government: taxation, VAT, legislation, employment, truthful reporting, diversity, legalities, externalities.
Employees: rates of pay, job security, compensation, respect, truthful communication.
Customers: value, quality, customer care, ethical products.
Suppliers: providers of products and services used in the end product for the customer, equitable business                          opportunities.
Creditors:        credit score, new contracts, liquidity.
Community: jobs, involvement, environmental protection, shares, truthful communication.
Trade Unions: quality, worker protection, jobs.
Investors: return on investment, income.

What is the point of implementing CSR if the company does not pay its vendors in time leading them to near bankruptcy,  So many small scale industries in India face this problem. 

It is now on Charity Principle Corporate entities are outsourcing their charitable activities by engaging NGOs. Hopefully there will be quality audit of such activities so that intended beneficiaries receive intended benefits. 

Hopefully India Inc's CSR activities will evolve into including ethical operations. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Gravity of a situation.

Sandra Bullock and George Clooney engaging in a banter, floating above the earth. Houston warns of an impending danger and before the astronauts could rush into the safety of the shuttle, it hits them and hits hard. She gets detached from safety line and goes into a  float spin.

It also strikes me suddenly.  I have left the keys in the car itself and have locked myself and my wife out.  My mind races for a decision, continue watching the movie or rush out to the basement car park, rush back home to fetch the second key, call a cab, ........

The space debri hurtle towards my face (3D movie) making the decision for me. Having watched Sandra Bullock right from Speed, The Net, Miss Congeniality, The Proposal, Blind Side and so on,  I can't leave the movie.

It was an unforgettable experience, watching that wonderfully made movie with a name reflecting my situation on a  more mundane earth.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


New Year resolutions apart we have so many wishes to start something. Be it morning jog, change to a healthy lifestyle, offer charity, learn a new language and build up your skill at the personal level.  In a more esoteric level, develop your idea into a project plan, implementing a much dreaded but much needed revamp of systems and procedures, etc.  We generally postpone, vacillate, wait for some nudge that won't come but from self.  We take time for granted.

I was listening to a Jain monk whose discourse put time in its right perspective. I quote him here,  'life time already spent is like water flowing in a river. River flowing down the mountain can't flow back and climb the montain. Your breath rising up and down with air flowing in and out is working like a saw, front and back, cutting down your lifetime. Each new day has taken out one more day from you'.

So let us do it, do it now, whatever we have to do.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Jain Fastings - Muktavali

MUKTAVALI  - A Jain Fasting Procedure 

Days of fasting

1. Bhadrapatha Month (Tamil Purattasi) - Shuklapaksha (Waxing Moon) - Sapthami (7th day),    the day is called Nirvana day.  Fasting and abiding by vows on this day leads to Mukthi.

2. Same month - Krishnapaksha (waning moon) - Sashti (6th day), the day is called    "Adithyaprabha". Fasting on this day gives a bright body like the sun.

3. Same month - Krishnapaksha (thriyodasi 13th Day), the day is called "Chandraprabha".    To be born in a glorious family shining as the moon.

4. Asvija (Tamil Aypasi) - Shuklapaksha (waxing moon) - Ekadasi (11th day). The day is    "Kumarasambavam" - Gives the boon of good progeny. 

5. Same month, krishnapaksha (waning month) - Duvadasi (12th day) - "Nadiswaram" day.    Gives the boon of visiting Jina temples on Nandiswara dweepa.

6. Karthika (Tamil Karthigai) - shuklapaksha - thrithiyai (3rd day) - "sarvarthasiddi" day.    Fasting on this day makes on be born in the heaven named sarvarthasiddi.

7. Same month, shuklapaksha - Ekadasi (11th day) - "Pradhiharyam" day. Pradhiharyam is    the shining halo behind the Thirthankara seated in Samavasaran.  Fasting on this day    gives an opportunity to be born as a Thirthankara.

8. Same month, krishnapaksha - Ekadasi (11th day) - "Trilokasaram" - Jinadharma is the    essence of the three worlds (heaven, earth and hell). Fasting austerities on this    day one gets the benefit of gaining or retaining Jinadharma.

9. Margasirsa (Tamil Margazhi) - Suklapaksha - thrithiyai (3rd day) - Asankyadopavasa -    Benefits of innumerable days of fasting.

This method of fasting was propounded to a brahamin lady called Durgandha by Jain muni Manogupti.  Durgandha was born with a malodourous body because of her past karma for having insulted and having vengeful emotions against Jain muni Yasodara.  As a result of such horroenous act and thought she was born in 6th Hell and was resident there for 22 sagaropa period. Later she was born in Jambudweep, poorva videga, kaccha desha in a brahmin family. Lost her parentS soon after her birth. 

Born with stinking body, she suffered untold miseries and sought refuge at the lotus feet of Jain muni Manogupti. Taking pity on her, the sage offered her ways of penance and shedding of bad karma. That is Muktavali Vrat (Muktavali nonbu in Tamil).

On the days of fasting, one has to visit the Jain temple and offer prayers to 24 thirthankaras and perform 8 fold archana to Bagawan Vasupoojya Swamy. After performing the pooja, the vow of fasting should be taken. Whole day should be spent only on reading scriptures, performing meditation and japa.  The mantra japa for these days is "ON HREEM ARHAM SREE VASUPOOJYA SWAMINE NAMA:".

Four months starting Bhadrapatha month till Margasirsa, 9 days of fasting is undertaken. This is carried on for 9 years and on 10th year Bhadrapatha month suklapaksha sapthami (7th) day, Udyapana is performed by installing Jinabimba at the temple and performing abhishek poojas and offering perfect food to muni sanga, aryikas and other sastra dhaan, oushad dhaan, vastra dhaan and abhaya dhan.

By performing such a penance, Durgandha later reachd Soudharmakalpa heaven and from there born as a prince named Padmarathan.  On visiting the Samavasaran of Bagawan Vasupoojya, he was revealed his previous births and he took diksha and became a Ganadhara, attained Kevalagyan  and mukthi.

Hope learning leads to undertaking of "Mukthavali" vrat and attainment of Kevalagyan and Mukthi.

Sree Rastu Shanti Subamastu.